The third annual World Book Night U.S., held yesterday, was the biggest ever: more than 29,000 givers distributed some 580,000 copies of 39 titles to new or light readers. Each giver handed out 20 copies of one of the books, a range of adult and YA titles that included some of the most popular titles of the past few decades and included, for the first time, a graphic novel as well as a Spanish-language edition, several large-print editions, a collection of poems, Shakespeare's complete sonnets--a title for just about any interest.
Across the country, givers picked up their books from libraries and bookstores--many independents, Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million stores hosted celebratory parties--and then fanned out to hand out the free books at a wide variety of locations, including schools, hospitals, transit centers, nursing homes and shelters.
Book Passage staff giving out books to San Francisco ferry commuters for World Book Night. |
Some people gave out books to passersby in public places--on the street or at subway or bus stations. Others were especially creative. Among our favorites: the Henry Street Settlement on the Lower East Side in New York City gave a book with their meals to more than 1,000 Meals on Wheels recipients. Wait Till Next Year, Doris Kearns Goodwin's baseball memoir, was distributed at the Yankees-Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson was given out at the U.S. side of the Otay Mesa border crossing with Mexico in San Diego
World Book Night U.S. executive director Carl Lennertz commented: "Our volunteers are caring people who want to extend the simple but essential gift of a book to those who perhaps have never owned a book. It is an act of kindness, and it can be life-changing, for the recipient and giver alike."
Here's a sampling of WBN U.S. action and reactions from across the country:
World Book Night USA: At 2:48 p.m.: "EVERYBODY, WE'VE BEEN TRENDING FOR 4+ HRS. SO HAPPY. LET'S KEEP IT UP!" #muchyay #WBN2014
Author Jamie Ford: "Happy World Book Night! Taking a selfie with Maria Semple and all the givers at Elliott Bay Book Company. Photo by Justus."
On stage with World Book Night U.S.: "#wbn2014 books being set up to give out at the @Matildabroadway matinee! Volunteers from Matilda, @TheBwayLeague @Youngtopub and our own WBN team!" From Matilda's Facebook page: "Our matinee audience is getting a surprise today, thanks to World Book Night USA! Happy #WBN2014!" And: "Third stop on out Theater Hopping: Cinderella! #wbn2014 books will find new homes!"
Best early Twitter exchange:
Octavia Books, New Orleans, La.: "World Book Night powers activate!"
Village Books, Bellingham, Wash.: "@octaviabooks We take the form of Givers of Awesomeness!"
Bookshop Santa Cruz: "TODAY IS WBN2014! A tip for givers: Remember that anyone you meet can share an amazing story, shift your perspective & teach you something."
Inkwood Books, Tampa, Fla. shared Rooster & the Till's great pic: "Myles is super excited to give out 24 copies of Kitchen Confidential for World Book Night today! Come get you one." And this, from an indie bike shop: "Today/Tonight is World Book Night, stop by City Bike Tampa for a free copy of Wild by Cheryl Strayed and join everyone this evening at Inkwood Books from 7-9pm for a World of Grilled Cheese and Beer Party. Don't forget to see what other books are being given away at other local businesses today too!"
The King's English Bookshop, Salt Lake City, Utah: "World Book Night Eve at TKE! Thanks to the SLC Police and Fire Department!"
Liberty Bay Books, Poulsbo, Wash.: "Love giving out books to our troops!"
For the third year in a row, Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, Mass., brought the gift of books to the Care Center in Holyoke, which "offers an alternative education program for pregnant and parenting teens and young women," MassLive reported. Odyssey owner Joan Grenier, her husband, Jon Weissman, and store manager Emily Crowe distributed copies of Code Name Verity, Zora and Me, The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Dog Stars.
"We are booklovers. We want to share this enthusiasm of the written word with people who haven't discovered the love of books," Crowe observed.
I'm excited to read," said Maryann Alamo, who added that receiving the books was "a good experience" and she would like to help give away books for next year's World Book Night.
Fountain Bookstore, Richmond, Va.: "A guy just thanked me for his @Bourdain book. He said 'I have always wanted to read this book. I don't read. I'm starting now.' "
Doylestown Bookshop, Doylestown, Pa.: "@DoylestownBooks is taking to the streets in #doylestown to spread the joy of reading."
Deborah's Place Chicago: "We're grateful to receive books for our residents on World Book Night." #WBN2014
Volunteers from the Henry Street Settlement in N.Y.C. |
Albany, N.Y., Public Library: "We are braving the cold on Washington Ave for #WBN2014!"
Harvard Book Store, Cambridge, Mass.: "Proud to be a World Book Night store! @wbnamerica #WBN2014 Have fun tonight everyone."
The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, N.C.: "Free books on 9th street in honor of #WorldBookNight, while supplies last!"
Henry St. Settlement: "Our Meals on Wheels staff delivered free @wbnamerica to 1,000 #senior clients in #Manhattan today!"
Book givers from Charlotte Mecklenburg Library |
Char Meck Library, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, N.C.: "We're at Main & Beatties Fd now with free books for light & non-readers!... Spreading the Love of Reading, Person to Person! at Main Library!"
Avid Bookshop, Athens, Ga.: "Lovely Rachel gives out #Bobcat (a book she adores) at her dentist's office!"
Book industry Charitable Foundation: "@BincFoundation Kit is giving out Catch 22 & the Megabus is her first stop. For all the travelers who don't have reading material."
Bluebird Book Bus: "Parting shot from #WBN2014 in #StPete FL. Happy reading, folks!"