Arthur Goes Digital, with Creator Marc Brown

Marc Brown, the man behind Arthur, star of print and (small) screen, here offers an interactive lesson to children on how to draw Arthur's sister D.W. at an event hosted by ScrollMotion at Books of Wonder last Sunday, October 2.

"Arthur Reads," the first collection of Arthur books created as original stories for the iPad and iPhone, are a joint production between Marc Brown Studios and ScrollMotion Kids. The nine apps will be available from iTunes for $2.99 each. These Arthur apps, narrated by Marc Brown, also include a record-your-own audio feature, interactive coloring pages, digital jigsaw puzzles and universal compatibility with the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

 "Arthur lives wherever kids live," Brown said in a statement. "Children understand touchscreen devices intuitively. I see the future of books as a complementary relationship between digital and paper." Arthur Turns Green is now available for download on iTunes, in which the celebrated aardvark takes the lead in a green initiative at home. The other eight titles to follow on its heels: Arthur's Baby, Arthur's Birthday, Arthur Meets the President, Arthur's Pet Business, Arthur's Teacher Trouble, Arthur's Tooth, Arthur's Underwear and Arthur Writes a Story.


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