S&S Authors Show Indie Love
As Barnes & Noble takes a page out of the Amazon playbook and cuts back on orders of Simon & Schuster titles in the companies' dispute about terms, S&S authors M.J. Rose and Randy Susan Meyers have created the AuthorBuzz Indie Love Award, which aims to get attention for some February and March titles that may suffer from B&N's Bezos moment and to honor independent booksellers who don't engage in the kinds of tactics that can wreak havoc on authors.
As Rose put it: "We want to thank indies and show them our love. We both are huge indie supporters, but this dispute made us ever more aware of how important every single indie bookstore is."
The award highlights seven titles: Rose's The Book of Lost Fragrances and Meyers's The Comfort of Lies, as well as The Shortest Way Home by Juliette Fay, If I Were You by Lisa Renee Jones, Glow by Jessica Maria Tuccelli, Cascade by Maryanne O'Hara and The Chalice by Nancy Bilyeau. Publishers include S&S's Atria, Gallery and Touchstone imprints, as well as Penguin and Viking Penguin.
The award is being announced this week to ABA stores receiving the red box. Indies that sell at least 28 copies of the seven titles receive a tin of treats from the Dancing Deer Baking Co. The store that sells the most copies overall receives a $500 American Express gift certificate. Indies that want to participate can keep track of copies sold of the seven books and e-mail the info by April 10 to authorbuzzco@gmail.com with the subject line "Indie Love."