Shelf Awareness for Thursday, January 15, 2015

Candlewick Press: Introducing YOUR PLACES, a trio of companion board books for the youngest of children

Berkley Books: Happy Land by Dolen Perkins-Valdez

Yale University Press:  The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History (The Henry Roe Cloud American Indians and Modernity) by Ned Blackhawk

Linden Tree Press: Stealing Time by Tilia Klebenov Jacobs and Norman Birnbach

Candlewick Press: Fairy Door Diaries: Eliza and the Flower Fairies by Megan McDonald, illustrated by Lenny Wen

Mira Books: Six Days in Bombay by Alka Joshi


Bookstore Sales Down 2.5% in November

November bookstore sales fell 2.5%, to $736 million, compared to November 2013, according to preliminary estimates from the Census Bureau. The slip continues a trend for the year; August was the only month in 2014 that showed a gain over the same month in the previous year. For the year to date, bookstore sales have fallen 4.9%, to $10.03 billion. Total retail sales in November rose 3%, to $442.3 billion, compared to the same period a year ago. For the year to date, total retail sales have risen 4%, to $4,766 billion.

Note: under Census Bureau definitions, the bookstore category consists of "establishments primarily engaged in retailing a general line of new books. These establishments may also sell stationery and related items, second-hand books, and magazines."

G.P. Putnam's Sons: Old Soul by Susan Barker

Amazon's Grandinetti: 'Room for Growth'

Amazon's Grandinetti

Calmly and unapologetically, with few surprises but many insights, Russ Grandinetti, Amazon's senior v-p in charge of all Kindle operations, made a rare public appearance yesterday at the Digital Book World Conference and Expo in New York City, where he spoke with Mike Shatzkin, founder and CEO of the Idea Logical Company and Michael Cader, founder of Publishers Lunch, about Amazon's place in the book world and its plans for the future.

Cader led off the discussion by touching on the stand-off between Amazon and Hachette that began early last summer and lasted into November. Cader wanted to know how those at Amazon reacted after Authors United, a group of more than a thousand writers led by mystery writer Douglas Preston, came forward to protest the company's tactics and what, if anything, Amazon has done to rebuild some of those bridges.

Grandinetti did not point to any new, specific initiatives on Amazon's part but did reiterate the company's oft-repeated intentions to support authors as widely and in as many formats as possible. He also cited Goodreads and Author Central, among other programs, as examples of Amazon's dedication to helping authors both directly and indirectly.

"Disagreements between retailers and suppliers in the bookselling business are not new, but rarely it becomes so public," added Grandinetti. He, and others at Amazon, were happy finally to reach "new terms and happy to focus on growing the business" again and for the next several years.

Despite some very vocal complaints expressed by some independent authors about Kindle Unlimited, Amazon's six-month-old e-book subscription service, Grandinetti argued that the system is "pretty healthy" on the whole. Authors have chosen to re-enroll their titles in the KDP Select Program (which automatically makes the title available on Kindle Unlimited for at least three months) more than 90% of the time, and both sales and earnings of authors enrolled in KDP Select have outpaced those of authors in the KDP program at large.

"We're incredibly motivated to make this work for that community [independent authors]," said Grandinetti. Given how short KDP Select contracts are compared to conventional contracts between authors and traditional publishers, he argued, Kindle authors have Amazon's "feet to the fire" in terms of creating a robust, beneficial service, since they can elect to walk away so quickly. "We only have to make it work for three months. Let's imagine for a moment that authors could change publishers every three months."

When asked about the ambitions of Amazon's publishing division, Grandinetti said that in his view, more publishers--and thereby more choices for authors--was a good thing for the business. And "historically speaking, the idea of a company that publishes and sells books is not new," he asserted, citing Doubleday and Scribner in the past. "With things like Amazon Publishing, there might be publishers who say, I wish they wouldn't do that. Ultimately I think it's great for the business. That's my sense about it."

After bringing up the apparent leveling-off of e-book sales in the United States, Shatzkin asked Grandinetti if Amazon in fact saw things the same way, and if things would be different in a more stable marketplace compared to the last several years. That sort of question, Grandinetti answered, made him "nervous." He elaborated: "I hear it and I think, was there a panel at BEA in 2007 about how stable the business was before we launched the Kindle?"

Despite the relative plateauing of digital trade fiction sales, Grandinetti said, there is still a great amount of room for growth. The digital markets for education, trade nonfiction and children's books are all in their infancy; the challenge, Grandinetti continued, is figuring out what technological advancements need to be made in order to make a parent choose a digital picture book over a print one. And in addition to those comparatively untapped markets, subscription models for e-books are still in their infancy.

Outside the book business, Grandinetti said, "you cannot find a digital medium where subscriptions don't succeed at some level." The trick, he maintained, is finding out how subscriptions can not only be a great value for consumers but also help grow the book business overall. Eventually, Grandinetti proposed, the subscription model might become another format in the lifecycle of a book, à la hardcover, trade paperback or mass market paperback.

Toward the end of the discussion, Shatzkin asked Grandinetti if Amazon viewed what constitutes "fair trading terms" (a major sticking point in last year's dispute) differently in the print book market compared to the e-book market. In other words, was asking to keep 30% of the cost of an e-book fair on the part of Amazon?

"Just looking at the way print has worked for a long time, booksellers keep in excess of 30% of the money a customer gives them for a book," said Grandinetti. The view at Amazon, he continued, is that as a retailer, the company's investments in digital books are as substantial as the company's investments in print. A retailer keeping on the order of 30% of sales for an e-book seemed "absolutely appropriate" to Grandinetti.

"I'd just add that 30% of sales was what publishers wanted to give us in the agency model," he said. --Alex Mutter

Linden Tree Press: Stealing Time by Tilia Klebenov Jacobs and Norman Birnbach

BEA 2015: Jonathan Franzen in Kick-Off Event

Bestselling author and National Book Award winner Jonathan Franzen will be featured in the signature opening day event at BookExpo America on May 27. Columnist and book critic Laura Miller, who co-founded, will interview Franzen about a wide range of topics, including his writing and the important influences in his life, as well as his new book, Purity (FSG, September).

"Insightful conversation with marquee authors is a highlight of BEA and we are honored that Mr. Franzen and Ms. Miller have agreed to this event," said BEA show manager Steven Rosato. "The 'in conversation' format allows the author and interviewer to dig deep to reveal to the audience themes about the book, as well as the inspiration, motivation and personal anecdotes that are all part of the creative process. I know our audience will especially appreciate this exclusive opportunity to hear Jonathan Franzen speak."

BINC: Apply Today to BINC's business incubator to help BIPOC entrepreneurs open bookstores in their communities.

NYC's Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks Finds New Home



Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks, which announced in November that it was being forced out of its Greenwich Village location, has found a new space and will reopen soon in an 1830s brick rowhouse at 28 East Second Street, Jeremiah's Vanishing New York reported, adding that "the story of how she got it might renew your faith in New York City and the life of its book culture."

According to Slotnick, "Margo and Garth Johnston, siblings who own the house, called and invited me to be their tenant in the ground-floor commercial space. Read that again, jaded New Yorkers! These wonderful people read of my plight and reached out to me because, in their eyes, a bookstore is the ideal tenant.

"Their late mother, Eden Ross Lipson, was the longtime children's book editor at the New York Times Book Review, and it's a book-loving family. It's also a family that prizes the history and traditions of their neighborhood and appreciates the plight of the small-business owner."

Slotnick expressed sadness about leaving her friends on West Tenth Street, "but I look forward to reopening my shop--in a bigger space with a back garden, no less--on East Second Street. I hope to do that right around February 1, even if the place is not yet picture-perfect. I know my loyal customers will only have eyes for the books!"

Mira Books: I Made It Out of Clay by Beth Kander

Jon Butler Named Quercus Managing Director

Jon Butler

Jon Butler will become the new managing director of Quercus, succeeding David North, who plans to leave once the "integration of Quercus into Hachette is completed," the Bookseller reported. Butler will leave his position as nonfiction publisher at Pan Macmillan at the end of this month and join Quercus in July, reporting to Hodder & Stoughton CEO Jamie Hodder-Williams.

Obituary Note: Al Bendich

Al Bendich, a lawyer who successfully defended the right to free speech in the landmark obscenity case involving Allen Ginsberg's poem "Howl," died January 5, the New York Times reported. He was 85. Bendich was the last living member of the defense team in the "Howl" case, in which Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet and founder of City Lights Booksellers & Publishers, stood trial in San Francisco in 1957 for publishing Ginsberg's Howl, and Other Poems.


Image of the Day: Jackman Reads Alexie

Wolverine Hugh Jackman shared this photo of himself reading Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian.

Pulpwood Queens Book Club Paints the Town Pink

"Hundreds of tiara-wearing women" from Pulpwood Queens Book Club chapters (more than 650 nationwide in 15 countries) have are arriving in Nacogdoches, Tex., today for the start of the 15th annual Girlfriend Weekend. Bookseller and Pulpwood Queens founder Kathy Murphy, who owns Beauty and the Book Hair Salon in Hawkins, launched the original book club in 2000 "with six strangers, with this motto: Where tiaras are mandatory and reading good books is the rule," More than 40 authors, whose books have been read by the Pulpwood Queens, will participate in the three-day event.

"We don't take ourselves very seriously. We want to have fun reading books. Books to us are the highest form of entertainment," Murphy said. "These Pulpwood Queens are much more than the book club members, they're my tribe."

Nacogdoches Main Street manager Sarah O'Brien added: "We got 80 hot pink prom dresses in shop windows. One of our stores has actually created a take-home bookmark project that the Pulpwood Queens can come in the store and actually make the bookmark and take it home with them."

Tim Ditlow Named V-P of Content at EPIC!

Tim Ditlow has been named v-p of content for EPIC!, the "all-you-can-read" e-book service for children up to the age of 12. Ditlow was formerly associate publisher of the children's publishing unit at Amazon, reporting to Larry Kirshbaum, and prior to that oversaw the children's audio market at Brilliance Audio. He ran Listening Library, founded in 1955 by his parents, Helen and Anthony Ditlow, for many years and through the transition of its sale to Random House.

Personnel Changes at Quarto Publishing Group

Michelle F. Bayuk has joined Quarto Publishing Group USA in the newly created position of associate director, children's book marketing, publicity and social media. She was most recently associate sales & marketing director at Egmont Publishing.

Media and Movies

Media Heat: Mara Schiavocampo on the View

Tomorrow on the View: Mara Schiavocampo, author of Thinspired: How I Lost 90 Pounds--My Plan for Lasting Weight Loss and Self-Acceptance (Karen Hunter/Gallery Books, $24, 9781476784052).


Tomorrow on the Steve Harvey Show: Alan C. Fox, author of People Tools for Business: 50 Strategies for Building Success, Creating Wealth, and Finding Happiness (SelectBooks/Midpoint, $16.95, 9781590792872).


Tomorrow night on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher: Wes Moore, author of The Work: My Search for a Life That Matters (Spiegel & Grau, $25, 9780812993578).

This Weekend on Book TV: Steve Israel

Book TV airs on C-Span 2 this weekend from 8 a.m. Saturday to 8 a.m. Tuesday and focuses on political and historical books as well as the book industry. The following are highlights for this coming weekend. For more information, go to Book TV's website.

Saturday, January 17
12 p.m. Book TV interviews authors and visits literary sites in Wheeling, W.Va. (Re-airs Sunday at 10:45 a.m.)

8 p.m. Dinah Miller, co-author of Shrink Rap: Three Psychiatrists Explain Their Work (Johns Hopkins University Press, $19.95, 9781421400129). (Re-airs Sunday at 1 p.m. and Monday at 1 a.m.)

8:30 p.m. Michael Waltz, author of Warrior Diplomat: A Green Beret's Battles from Washington to Afghanistan (Potomac Books, $34.95, 9781612346311). (Re-airs Monday at 5:15 a.m.)

10 p.m. Bret Stephens, author of America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder (Sentinel, $27.95, 9781591846628). (Re-airs Sunday at 9 p.m. and Monday at 12 a.m. and 3 a.m.)

11 p.m. Richard Parker, author of Lone Star Nation: How Texas Will Transform America (Pegasus, $27.95, 9781605986265), at BookPeople in Austin, Tex.

Sunday, January 18
1:30 p.m. Benjamin Ginsberg, author of The Worth of War (Prometheus, $24, 9781616149505). (Re-airs Monday at 1:30 a.m.)

6:30 p.m. Timothy Shriver, author of Fully Alive: Discovering What Matters Most (Sarah Crichton/FSG, $27, 9780374280918).

7:45 p.m. Matthew Christopher, author of Abandoned America: The Age of Consequences (Jonglez Publishing, $39.95, 9782361950941). (Re-airs Tuesday at 3:45 a.m.)

10 p.m. Congressman Steve Israel, author of The Global War on Morris: A Novel (Simon & Schuster, $26, 9781476772233), at Politics & Prose in Washington, D.C.

11 p.m. Stephen Hess, author of The Professor and the President: Daniel Patrick Moynihan in the Nixon White House (Brookings Institution Press, $24, 9780815726159).

Books & Authors

Awards: Drue Heinz Literature

Leslie Pietrzyk has won the $15,000 Drue Heinz Literature Prize for This Angel on My Chest, "a collection of stories about how different young women cope with the death of a husband," the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. The award includes a book contract from the University of Pittsburgh Press.

Attainment: New Titles Out Next Week

Selected new titles appearing next Tuesday, January 20:

Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security by Sarah Chayes (Norton, $26.95, 9780393239461) explores global corruption in government. (January 19.)

The Evil Hours: A Biography of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by David J. Morris (Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $27, 9780544086616) explores PTSD in its many manifestations.

God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy by Mike Huckabee (St. Martin's Press, $26.99, 9781250060990) presents thoughts on a range of issues from the former governor of Arkansas.

Black River by S. M. Hulse (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $24, 9780544309876) follows a former prison guard who returns to his home town.


Mortdecai, based on the novel Don't Point that Thing at Me by Kyril Bonfiglioli, opens January 23. Johnny Depp stars as an art dealer searching for a stolen painting.

IndieBound: Other Indie Favorites

From last week's Indie bestseller lists, available at, here are the recommended titles, which are also Indie Next Great Reads:

Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel by Priya Parmar (Ballantine Books, $26, 9780804176378). "This novel tells the story of sisters Vanessa and Virginia Stephens, later to become Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf. Vanessa, an emerging painter, tells their stories in her journal accompanied by the letters and telegrams of their families, husbands, and the many brilliant artists and painters in their circle. It is a story of art, literature, betrayal, emotional upheaval, and, above all, the many complicated forms love takes. Set against the backdrop of Edwardian England, a time of sweeping social transformations, Vanessa and Her Sister is a moving portrait of a brilliant family." --Staci Rice, Bluebird Books, Hutchinson, Kans.

Viking Bay: A Kay Hamilton Novel by M.A. Lawson (Blue Rider Press, $26.95, 9780399165740). "As recounted in the first book in this series, Rosarito Beach, Kay Hamilton went rogue when working for the DEA and was fired. She now has the perfect job working for the Callahan Group, a top secret agency that does the government's dirty work. Lawson has found the perfect vehicle for Kay's daredevil personality and her no-holds-barred action when she is trying to right a wrong or bring someone to justice. A rogue agent in a rogue agency suits Kay to a T and makes for nonstop action and a great, entertaining read." --Nancy McFarlane, Fiction Addiction, Greenville, S.C.

While Beauty Slept: A Novel by Elizabeth Blackwell (Berkley, $16, 9780425273845). "Humble Elise Dalriss was a companion to the beautiful princess Rose, who, as the fable recounts, was doomed since birth. The king's aunt Millicent who was banished from the kingdom on the day after Rose's birth because the king felt she had put a spell on his wife, returns on the celebration day and proclaims, 'You will all spend the rest of your life in fear.' Then she disappears, leaving behind a kingdom reeling in shock and horror. Through the eyes of Elise, Blackwell has retold the tale of Sleeping Beauty using dark, sensual, and magical language and a complex plot full of surprises. Readers will be enthralled with this debut." --Karen Briggs, Great Northern Books & Hobbies, Oscoda, Mich.

For Ages 4 to 8
Jim's Lion by Russell Hoban, illustrated by Alexis Deacon (Candlewick, $15.99, 9780763665173). "In this classic Hoban tale reimagined in graphic-novel format by Deacon, Jim is in the hospital waiting for an operation. To help with his fear, a nurse tells him to find his good place and meet his 'finder' there, the one who will help him find his way back from the operation. Jim's dream sequences are beautifully illustrated, taking the reader to places in Jim's journey where words cannot go. An emotional journey for readers facing trials beyond their years." --Marika McCoola, Northshire Bookstore, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

[Many thanks to IndieBound and the ABA!]

Book Review

Review: Black River

Black River by S.M. Hulse (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $24 hardcover, 9780544309876, January 20, 2014)

In S.M. Hulse's spare but rich first novel, Black River, troubles loom for her stoic hero, Wes Carver, and his family like the glacial mountains surrounding their small Montana prison town--mountains that to Wes "looked like the hands of giants, or maybe of God... two clenched fists about to collide." Black River's economic life centers on the Montana State Prison where Wes and his neighbors walk the tiers as guards, "enforcing rules, suppressing emotions, intimidating and refusing to be intimidated." When a riot erupts, Wes is taken hostage and methodically tortured by sociopathic inmate Bobby Williams. All his fingers broken, his wrists scarred by cigarette burns and cuts from a makeshift prison shiv, Wes is forever changed. No more can he experience the pleasure of his fiddle playing and composing. Now retired from the state on disability, he and his wife, Claire, move to Spokane, Wash., where he's hired as a mall cop to chase shoplifters and rowdy teens.

Wes's riot ordeal is only the latest traumatic incident in his scarred life. His woodworking father committed suicide, leaving his young son nothing but questions and a beautiful handmade fiddle. Claire's son, Dennis, a child of rape, resents his stepfather and threatens Wes with a loaded pistol. Claire develops leukemia, requiring cycles of hospital visits and treatments until the disease finally wins. Wes's nemesis Bobby Williams, now supposedly a born-again Christian, is up for parole in Black River. Wes returns to attend the hearing, and as he sits on Dennis's porch in the quiet night, he wishes he could just "ignore the business of life, the troubles that demanded attention, action during daylight hours."

But for Hulse's restraint and literary talent, it would be easy for these waves of woe to turn into melodrama. An MFA graduate of the University of Oregon, she has already mastered a Raymond Carver-like precision of description: the hospice brochures in Claire's hospital room are "all pastels and italics" and Wes remembers the smells of his father's workshop as "wood and oil and varnish... churchly scents almost." Even though redemption is elusive in this harsh world, Hulse allows nuggets of hope to shine beneath the darkest of waters--most tellingly in the music Wes writes and performs. Named "Black River" by Claire, his signature song ends "lingering on hope, never escaping melancholy... knowing... there were things here, in this canyon, in these lives, that were always painful and sometimes beautiful." With neither Claire nor his music, Wes's salvation can only come from "keeping his word. Following through. Doing what needed to be done." Black River is a transcendent story subtly unfolding in flawless prose--a remarkable first effort. --Bruce Jacobs, founding partner, Watermark Books & Cafe, Wichita, Kan.

Shelf Talker: S.M. Hulse's first novel is a precise evocation of a harsh Montana world where redemption comes only for moments and doesn't last.


Look for The Dovekeepers on CBS

In yesterday's issue, we featured a trailer for The Dovekeepers, a two-part miniseries based on Alice Hoffman's novel. Unfortunately, we got the network wrong. The project will actually premiere on CBS March 31, followed by the second part on April 1.

Deeper Understanding

Becoming a Bookseller: Andy Ross's Story

Andy Ross was the owner of Cody's Books in Berkeley, Calif., from 1977 to 2006. Since 2008, he has been a literary agent and writes the blog "Ask the Agent." Here, in an essay included in Fightin' Words: 25 Years of Provocative Poetry and Prose from 'The Blue-Collar' PEN (Heyday Books), he recounts an amusing, typically unusual path to bookselling that one could take in the 1970s.

I became a bookseller because I had a passion for books. This is not a particularly good reason to make a life choice. But my decision (if one could call it that) to enter the book business was disorderly. In 1971, I was a graduate student at the University of Oregon in Eugene studying German cultural and intellectual history. I was writing a master's thesis on the 19th century precursors of existentialism and spending a lot of time thinking about such timely subjects as Kierkegaard's concept of the teleological suspension of the ethical.

Andy Ross at Cody's in the 1970s

Most of the people with whom I associated outside of the History Department were hippies or some variation thereof. I suppose I was too, although spending one's waking hours reading the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte created some real cognitive dissonance in my countercultural lifestyle. I cut a kind of ridiculous figure with my non-academic friends. But people were more tolerant back then.

In that other life outside of the university, there was a lot of talk about freedom, spontaneity, communal living, feminism, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, psychedelic drugs, astrology, free love, vegetarianism, gestalt therapy, natural childbirth and that sort of thing. Marxism was very popular, too. But the Marxism being bandied about was what we superior intellectuals in the History Department would call "vulgar Marxism," by which we meant people who actually wanted to change the world, not just pontificate about it. Among the vulgar Marxists, there was a lot of waving of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book and some vicious disputes over matters that were of no consequence to anyone other than the vulgar Marxists.

There was also a war going on, and Kierkegaard didn't have much to say about that.

Oh, yes. And there was a girl. There always is, isn't there? Things weren't going too well with us. One day she walked out on me and joined a free love commune called "Earth's Rising Family." I kept going out there trying to get her back. The communards were pretty nice people. They graciously put me up in the teepee down the hill from the privy while they were in the farmhouse having orgies (or so I imagined). Fichte and Kierkegaard didn't have much to say about that either.

Somehow all this led me to the decision to leave academics and start a bookstore. As I said, I had a passion for books. I don't remember much about what kind of thought went into the decision. Not very much at all, I believe. Maybe five minutes of thought. Maybe it happened in my sleep. Maybe it happened in the teepee. It was dumb luck, but it probably set me on the right course for the next 40 years and counting.

My first move in that direction was to meet with the guy who owned the countercultural bookstore in Eugene. I had heard that he wanted to sell it. If my mind doesn't fail me, I believe it was called "Koobdooga Books." It means "a good book" backwards. He told me that he conceived of the name on an acid trip. I thought about buying it. But I was tired of the rain and depressed about rushing back and forth to and from the teepee at Earth's Rising Commune. So I moved down to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Andy Ross in his Cotati bookstore in 1975

I found a bookshop for sale in Cotati, a small college town in Sonoma County about 50 miles north of San Francisco. It was a very modest store, Eeyore Books. The entire space was 600 square feet, about as big as my living room where I'm writing this. The store wasn't worth much money, because it didn't have many books and did even less business. But I still managed to drive a very bad bargain. It's a flaw that I fortunately overcame before becoming a literary agent, or so I'd like to believe. I paid them $15,000. And the store was mine. I put in some new shelves, ordered up some books and opened for business a week later. On my first day I did $32 in sales.

The book business was different then. The world wasn't really focused on bestsellers the way it is now. My store had a kind of counterculture feel that fit right in with the zeitgeist of the times. We sold a lot of books, mostly paperbacks, on humanistic psychology, eastern mysticism, and other things spiritual. Fritz Perls, Abraham Maslow, Alan Watts, The Urantia Book, Be Here Now and Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism were some of my bestselling books and authors in the mid '70s at Eeyore's. I made a lot of money on the I Ching (Princeton University Press edition). And, of course, all things having to do with the ever mysterious Carlos Castañeda. There was the usual stuff by self-styled visionaries and futurologists like Future Shock by Alvin Toffler and The Greening of America by Charles Reich. These books have not stood well the test of time. There were some other books that, even dated as they are, I still think of with admiration. I wouldn't mind rereading The Last Whole Earth Catalogue.

A lot of people say that the quality of books has gone downhill in the last 30 years, that literary values have been replaced by commercial values and that American reading has been seduced by the dark forces of a hegemonic mass media with a fetish for celebrity. Actually most people in the book business don't talk that way, except maybe me, and then only at pretentious literary cocktail parties. Nowadays when I argue the point (and I still do 40 years later), I like to recite the great line from Yeats' poem, The Second Coming: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity." And most people agree. (Although there are some who are not familiar with that poem and have to slouch off toward Wikipedia to find the reference).

Eeyore's was a one-person operation. We did grow over the years. By the time I left Cotati in 1977 to take over Cody's in Berkeley, I think it had become a two-person operation. I'm still pretty proud of that store. I think it had a kind of perfection, just right for its time and place.

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