Indie Bookstore Day: PB&J, Mystical Mimosas, Booknook Chair
On Saturday, May 2, more than 400 independent bookstores across the U.S. will participate in the inaugural Independent Bookstore Day (inspired by last year's California Bookstore Day), while Canadian booksellers hold their first Authors for Indies Day. In addition to hosting parties, author appearances and events, booksellers will distribute exclusive merchandise (a video from Harvard Bookshop, Cambridge, Mass., offers a sneak peek) created for the occasion. All week, we are highlighting indie booksellers' creative plans for, and thoughts about, celebrating IBD 2015:
Bennington Bookshop, Bennington, Vt.: "Phil and I are looking forward to Independent Bookstore Day," said Linda Foulsham, new co-owner of the bookstore that opened in 1928. "We have planned a special day to thank the Bennington community for their warm welcome and continued support of the bookshop. We are thrilled to be in Bennington and to be part of the downtown business community." (via the Bennington Banner)
Bookends & Beginnings, Evanston, Ill.: Special Guest Storytime with Janet Nolan, author of PB&J Hooray, "which traces the routes the ingredients take to get into your PB&J sandwich. PB&J will be on hand for snacking!" Also: "Have your photo taken for our Facebook page with the title of the book that changed your life, and you'll be entered into a raffle to win a $25 gift certificate (3 winners!)."Brazos Bookstore, Houston, Tex.: "Join us for lunchtime refreshments and drinks to unveil the Brazos Booknook, a brand new artisanal chair designed by New Living!" And: "A drunk coloring party! Starring our brand new coloring book, Hemingwasted: A Loving Look at Literary Lushes.... We'll have wine from Beviamo and Saint Arnold beer on hand."
Screening room: Canadian Authors for Indies: The Movie, and BookNet Canada's "15 memorable on-screen indie bookstores."
Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn, N.Y.: Co-owner Jessica Stockton is "especially excited" about the "author photo booth. Get your photo taken with awesome authors in our festive photo booth! Strike a pose, get crazy with props, or get your favorite book in the picture." Also: "Get your own silly portrait created by awesome local artists Elisha Cooper and Betsy Lewin!"
Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, Wash.: "Exquisite Corpse Writing Project--Calling all writers! Join our collective story project in celebration of Independent Bookstore Day! Each writer will have a 30-minute block of time to contribute; the only rule is you must use the previous collaborator's contribution as inspiration. The result of this collaborative effort will be a book published and printed by Third Place Press."
Mrs. Dalloway's Bookstore, Berkeley, Calif.: "Kids' Joke-a-Thon. Come and tell your favorite joke and get the giggles going! Looking for new material? Check out our extensive humor library that includes Monkey Farts, Jokelopedia and, specially available for this day, Funny Ha Ha."
Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, Mass.: Mystical Mimosa Brunch, and "local authors Chrysler Szarlan and Suzanne Strempek Shea will be reading palms and lending a hand on the Ouija board. There will also be tarot card readings to look into the future and match you up with your perfect book!"
BookPeople of Moscow, Idaho: "Events include a visit by everyone's favorite primate, Curious George, a reading and book signing by Michael Kostroff of acclaimed television show The Wire, and beer tasting with Moscow Brewing Company."
Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe and Phoenix, Ariz: "Only on Independent Bookstore Day... enjoy 15% off everything at our Tempe and Phoenix stores, and happy hour prices all day long at First Draft Book Bar!"