Stories Opens in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Congratulations to Stories Bookshop + Storytelling Lab, in Brooklyn, N.Y., which opened on Sunday and sells books and art and writing supplies for children and teens (with a section for parents) and offers creative writing workshops for kids. "We had a lovely day," said Maggie Pouncey, who owns Stories with her husband, Matt Miller. "It was so exciting to have the anticipation at last behind us and the doors finally open."
The store, which has about 600 square feet of space, 200 of which is reserved for the Storytelling Lab, raised more than its goal of $25,000 in a Kickstarter campaign earlier this year.
Next weekend, Stories starts its weekly Stories Storytime, Sundays at 10:30 a.m., with Lucy Ruth Cummins, who will read from her new book, A Hungry Lion: Or a Dwindling Assortment of Animals (Atheneum); followed the next week by Christopher Silas Neal, author of Everyone (Candlewick); then on June 19 by Thyra Heder, author of The Bear Report (Abrams) and illustrator of Penny & Jelly: Slumber Under the Stars (HMH); and, on June 26, Rowboat Watkins, author of Rude Cakes (Chronicle).Among other upcoming events: a June 19 Father's Day sing-along; a June 15 master class for kids as part of the Storytelling Lab taught by Jenni Desmond, author of The Blue Whale (Enchanted Lion Books); and, on June 18, John Patrick Green reading from Hippopotamister (First Second) and leading a special workshop for kids.
Stories' website will launch in the next couple weeks, but for now, information is available on its Facebook page or Instagram (@storiesbk). Stories is located at 458 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217; 718-369-1167.