Welcome to Winter Institute!
ABA's Winter Institute is taking place in Seattle, Wash., this week, On Sunday night Shelf Awareness welcomed booksellers with a party at Elliott Bay Book Company. Pictured: (from left) co-owners Joey Burgess and Tracy Taylor (not pictured: co-owner Murf Hall) with Shelf Awareness publisher Jenn Risko and editor-in-chief John Mutter.
The ABA hosted the opening reception last night, sponsored by W. W. Norton & Company, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Pictured: (l.) ABA CEO Allison Hill and Norton chairman and president Julia Reidhead.
Hill said in part, "Norton has always been a publisher that we can count on to publish great authors and great books that stand the test of time. Norton has always been a publisher that independent bookstores could count on to help booksellers sell those books through innovative programs and supportive terms and amazing sales reps.... Norton has always been a publisher to inspire us to do great things."
Reidhead said she and the company's field sales force were at Winter Institute to celebrate the company's centenary with independent booksellers and "to thank you for helping us reach this milestone. We could not have done it without you... You know that reading adds pleasure and nuance to life. You know that reading is vital to a civil society. You sell books with skill. We share these values." She added that the company looks forward to partnering with indies "for our next hundred years."
As part of the Independent Publishers Caucus sessions on Monday, four events experts at three venerable indie bookstores gave a hopeful and enthusiastic talk about events and planning. "The reason we have events is not just to see your author, but to have customers buy the author’s book, two pairs of socks, and some books for their grandkids," noted Spencer Ruchti, events manager, Third Place Books, Seattle. Pictured: Moderator Jisu Kim, senior marketing and sales manager, The Feminist Press; Elliot bat Tzedek, events manager, Main Point Books, Wayne, Pa.; events coordinator Kait Heacock and Rick Simonson, Elliott Bay Book Company, Seattle; Spencer Ruchti. (photo: Matt Baldacci)
At the Independent Publishers Caucus, three reviewers based in Seattle spoke about book reviews, book festivals and other opportunities for publicists and independent publishers in Seattle. As Shelf Awareness reviewer Shahina Piyareli noted, "A great way to get your books reviewed--not just in Seattle but nationally--is to submit them to Shelf Awareness." From left: moderator Ruth Weiner, publisher, Triangle Square Press and publicity director, Seven Stories Press; Sarah Neilson, the Seattle Times; Shahina Piyarali; Paul Constant, the Seattle Times. (photo: Matt Baldacci)