Job Board FAQ


How much does it cost to post a job?
Each job post costs only $225. 

What is the Job Title?
This is the name of the position. It's what you'd put on the applicant's business card if you hired them.

What is the Job Type?
The job type is used to describe the employment status of the position. Select one option: Full-Time, Part-Time, Freelance/Contract, Remote (work-from-home, telecommute, etc.), and Internship.

What do you mean by Start Date?
Enter date (12/12/2019) or text (Immediate, February, etc.) to let applicants know when you expect to have the position filled.

What should I put in the Submit Resume via Email Address field?
If you'd like applicants to contact you, enter your email address here. The email address you provide will be hyper-linked at the bottom of your posting.

What should I put in the Submit Resume via URL field?
If your company has an online job submission form, you may wish to provide a link to it using this option (don't forget to include the http:// at the beginning of the URL!). The URL you provide will appear as a hyperlink at the bottom of your posting.

Can I format my job description?
Yes. The text editor allows you to bold, italicize, and underline type, as well as change the font size, color, and background color. You can also use the text editor to create bulleted or numbered lists, or change the justification of your type. These buttons look similar to the buttons on most common word processing programs and blog editors.

Can I add links to my job description?
Yes. Highlight the text you would like to be linked and then click the Insert/Edit Link button (a small picture of a chain). Next, enter the click-through URL in the Link URL field (don't forget to include the http:// at the beginning of the URL!); you can ignore the other fields. Then click the Insert button. To unlink, highlight any linked text and click the Unlink button (a small picture of a broken chain).

Can I add an image?
Yes. Click on the Add/Edit Image button (a small picture of a tree) to insert an image (for example, your company logo). The image must be hosted somewhere else on the internet. Enter the image URL (don't forget to include the http:// at the beginning of the URL!) in the "Image URL" field. Ignore the other fields, then click the Insert button.

NOTE: inserting very large images may produce unpredictable results. Make sure to preview your job listing before submitting it to ensure its appearance is what you expected.

Why won't my links work in my job description?
Chances are you left off the http:// at the beginning of the URL. Check your links and make sure you're using a full URL. The easiest way is to copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.


Why won't my Company Website link work?
Please make sure to enter http:// at the beginning of your URL in the Company Website field.

My company is neither in the U.S. or Canada. Can I post a job?
Sorry, at this time job postings are limited to positions open in the U.S. and Canada.



Can I save my job posting for later?
Yes. Once you've entered all the job and company information, click the Save button to save it for another time.

Where are my saved postings? I'm ready to finish one and post it now.
Log in, click on "My Jobs" on the right side and then select the "Pending Jobs" button across the top. Under the Action column, you'll see that you can edit, submit, or delete your posting.

When will my posting go live?
Your posting is reviewed by Shelf Awareness before going live; in most cases this will be within 24 hours from the time you submit it.

Will my posting run in the newsletter?
We run postings in the newsletter as space allows. Your posting is not guaranteed to run in the newsletter, but the job board ad in the newsletter will click through to the list of all the active jobs (including yours).

How long will my job run on the website?
Your job listing will run for one month.

Can I edit my posting after it's live?

Yes. Sign back in to the job board at anytime to see your posts and choose the edit option (on the far right under "Action")

Can I remove a posting once a position is filled?
You can deactivate any posting by clicking My Jobs. The deactivate option is listed on the right-hand side of the row listing each of your active posts.

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