The Accidental Favorite
by Fran Littlewood
Fran Littlewood (Amazing Grace Adams) displays her deep understanding of complicated relationships in The Accidental Favorite, a novel that traces the Fisher family--Patrick, Vivienne, and their three adult daughters--backward from the shocking moment when Patrick accidentally reveals he might have a favorite child. Employing spot-on dialogue and strong pacing, Littlewood explores the nuanced nature of sibling rivalry and the ways people will sometimes hurt the ones they love the most.
From the outside, the Fishers remain a model of unity, but after a tree threatens to fall on the spot where his daughters--Alex, Nancy, and Eva--are standing for a photograph and Patrick rushes to save one over the others. After the incident, each member of this close-knit family must wrestle with their memories and the secrets that threaten to unravel them. Littlewood gradually teases out their story, bouncing between the past and the present, where the family has gathered at an expensive glass house in the English countryside to celebrate Vivienne's 70th birthday. The narrative is mostly passed among the sisters, allowing readers to see their family through each woman's perspective, reflecting the ways even shared memories and experiences can diverge. But the book opens with Vivienne, perhaps the only one who sees them truly, Vivienne who "can't believe these are her children. That these adult women, these women in their forties, have come from her. It seems a fantasy--a series of false memories--to imagine the long-ago stretched dome of her belly filled up with them. Those infants who clung to and hung from her body, who were surely entirely different people from the three women standing down there in the clearing." And Vivienne is right, even as she is simultaneously wrong: they are different people, and they are also very much still the children she remembers.
While the bonds between the siblings are undeniable, Littlewood renders each woman as a complex individual with her own desires, insecurities, and issues. In fact, the interweaving of their emotional truths is what gives this dramatic family story such depth. They are grappling with the idea that their father might have a favorite child, while they are also coping with being a woman in her 40s and all that entails. Eva must carry the guilt of her success, alongside her ambivalence concerning Scott (the man she recently, somewhat inexplicably, married) and her 16-year-old daughter Lucy's changing needs. Nancy is dealing with fears about her health, complications at work, and developing feelings for her colleague Nik. And Alex is facing the challenges of unexpectedly being a new mother again at 45 and the shifts she feels around desire and being desired. The sisters are all these things, and they are also the young children who shared a bedroom and vied for their parents' attention. And even as they question and challenge each other, they remain indelibly linked: "This, Eva thinks. This is the vernacular of sisters. It's childish and absurd and funny and infuriating and painful and it's beautiful. They are under her skin and in her heart, these women, her sisters, she has no choice in the matter. And despite everything, she'd rather be standing here right now than anywhere else."
Perhaps most relatable is Nancy, the middle sister, a doctor who doesn't feel like she fits, a woman who never feels like she's enough: "She tries so hard, but they make her feel like everything she does is wrong, that she is wrong, and why don't they see that it hurts so much. It hurts in her throat and in her chest, and in her too-busy mind that feels full to bursting with all the mistakes she can't stop making." This passage arrives in one of the flashback scenes, voiced from when Nancy is 11, but it is equally true of Nancy at 44. This feeling of inadequacy, of never being able to do enough, will resonate with readers, especially women who share Nancy's contrary mix of yearning for acceptance and fierce independence.
The novel has a cinematic quality, its scenes rendered in vividly recognizable detail: the flawless interiors of the vacation home, with its soaring glass walls, untouchable sculptures, and Scandinavian-inspired pool room ("It's all the wood and water and a mineral scent, as though the outdoors--the forest--has been brought inside"); the unpredictable weather; the odd appearances of the endangered toads that inhabit the surrounding forest. Every moment feels alive. In fact, the house itself almost feels like a living thing, a nefarious character with a mysterious, growing bad odor, and the way it seems to antagonize its guests. And while there are moments that may stretch the bounds of realism, every dramatic image contributes to the reader's understanding of and sympathy for these people and the very real mess they have found themselves in. Readers may think, "I would never do that," but they will not be able to deny the universal feelings unearthed in this fascinating look at one family and their complicated truths. Full of tender moments and thoughtful insights, The Accidental Favorite will be a favorite of readers, perfect for those with imperfect families--which is to say all of us. --Sara Beth West