Kiersten White, known for her quirky Paranormalcy series, kicks off another strong one with Mind Games.
The book begins with a solemn statement from 17-year-old Fia at the funeral of her parents: "I reach out and take Annie's hand in mine. I squeeze it and squeeze it because she is my responsibility now, and no one else's." This immediately makes clear the bond between Annie and Fia, two sisters with unusual powers. Gaining scholarship to a special school because of these powers, Annie, who is a blind seer, convinces her sister to attend with her. Fia immediately has a bad feeling about the school, but stays in order to protect Annie. White alternates the narrative from the siblings' points of view, and also from past to present, to unfold her gripping story.
White gives both characters a distinct voice, so it's not difficult to discern who's narrating, and imparts enough information in each chapter to keep readers involved and the mystery continuing. The bond between the sisters is strong, and Fia as a narrator is especially intriguing because readers don't know right away what special power she possesses. We quickly learn that someone or something threatens Annie's safety if Fia does not do what they wish--including stealing bank account information, blackmailing a judge and, now, an assignment as an assassin. Readers will find themselves flipping pages faster and faster until the action-packed final scene leaves them eager to find out what's coming in book two. --Shanyn Day, blogger at Chick Loves Lit