Christina Lauren's The Honey-Don't List is a delightful contemporary romantic comedy following two relationships, one imploding rather spectacularly and the other forming amid the wreckage. In the 10 years that Carey has worked for them, Rusty and Melissa Tripp have gone from co-owners of a furniture store to wildly popular home-improvement reality TV show hosts. They're America's most beloved couple and are about to embark on a tour for their marriage self-help book, but behind the scenes, they're miserable. Out of loyalty and necessity--she has a disability that requires excellent medical insurance--Carey has stayed by their side, managing far more than any assistant should have to.
Reeling from a career setback, James is hired as an engineer for the show but is unexpectedly charged with preventing a sloppy and unfaithful Rusty from ruining his public image. Reluctant allies, James and Carey find themselves trapped on a bus with the Tripps, trying to manage an acrimonious relationship, tour logistics and their own burgeoning feelings. With such an impossible task before them, they can't afford to be distracted. And they absolutely shouldn't be falling for each other.
Christina Lauren (The Unhoneymooners; Josh & Hazel's Guide to Not Dating) has created charming protagonists to root for. Beyond romance, Carey and James strive for career success on their terms--without the Tripps. And despite witnessing first-hand the ways in which a long-term relationship can sour, this young couple dares to hope, to dream and to fall in love. --Suzanne Krohn, editor, Love in Panels