The loving, whimsical Grandparents by Ariel Andrés Almada, illustrated by Sonja Wimmer, is an ode to the wonderful relationships between children and their grandparents. This fifth title in the Family Love series opens with a girl writing a letter to her grandparents "that tastes of happiness mixed with love." The book follows this with a series of stylized and surreal illustrations of diverse children and their elders. Sprinkled throughout are spreads of the original letter-writer growing up and realizing how important these intergenerational experiences are. This picture book, capably translated from the Spanish by Jon Brokenbrow, will likely encourage children to keep their special memories alive, as it invites them to reflect on their own funny moments, quiet times, and adventures with Grandma and/or Grandpa. A perfect book to bring the family closer together at holiday time, and to encourage children to write their own letters. --Melinda Greenblatt, freelance book reviewer