In This Issue

In this week's issue, we've highlighted some outstanding comics and graphic novels, including Heavyweight, "the vulnerably illuminating debut memoir" by Solomon J. Brager, which ambitiously excavates personal, familial, and global histories; and Putty Pygmalion by Lonnie Garcia, a "surprisingly tender" depiction of quirky characters learning that true affection cannot be coerced. Plus, Wings of an Eagle: The Gold Medal Dreams of Billy Mills documents the Olympic gold medalist's "impassioned tale of determination and grit" in achieving greatness despite adversity, paired with "striking artwork" by S.D. Nelson; and Benjamin Dean's How to Die Famous is "a heart-palpitating thriller that effectively unveils the dangers of celebrity and fame."

And in a special feature, we take a deeper look at Comics Bearing Witness to History, drawing spectacular recommendations from manga (Japan), manhwa (Korea), and manhua (China), including Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas's JAJ, Susumu Higa's Okinawa, and many more!

--Dave Wheeler, senior editor, Shelf Awareness


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