Residents of a charming seaside village are stunned by a building that magically "blossomed into existence" in Jungeun Yun's whimsical Marigold Mind Laundry. Translated from the Korean by Shanna Tan, Yun's novel gracefully probes themes of emotional healing and the pursuit of contentment in a tender story that will captivate new and veteran fans of fantastical Korean literature.
Jieun is a beautiful, ethereal woman enveloped in a veil of sadness who travels across centuries, searching in vain for the beloved parents from whom she accidentally separated many lifetimes ago. She is gifted with the power to heal and make wishes come true, but for her own part, Jieun is trapped in an endless cycle of rebirth and despair over her loss.
After entering her latest life in the picturesque seaside village of Marigold, Jieun conjures up a hilltop laundromat, "a space where stains of the heart would be removed," "painful memories" erased, and "the creases in people's feelings" ironed out. Marigold's residents are fascinated by the laundromat's charismatic owner, her delicious healing tea, and the vibrant flowers that swirl around her.
Jieun helps a filmmaker erase distressing childhood trauma and an unhappy celebrity influencer build a new life. In the laundromat sanctuary she creates, friendships bloom, as does romance, and Jieun dares to consider a future and purpose beyond her elusive goal of reuniting with her parents.
Against the Marigold's fiery sunsets, Yun's characters embrace new beginnings and relinquish lost dreams in an uplifting, entertaining story that's sure to invite warm self-reflection. --Shahina Piyarali