Carrie Martin of Texas Is B&N's Teacher of the Year

Carrie Martin

Carrie Martin from Evers Park Elementary School in Denton, Texas, is the 2016 national winner and Teacher of the Year in the Barnes & Noble My Favorite Teacher Contest. Martin, a second grade teacher, was nominated by a former student, high school senior Tianna Bridges-Reed, and chosen from more than 10,000 entries at B&N stores nationwide.

Martin will receive $5,000 and be recognized at a celebration on May 6 at her school, which also will receive $5,000.

Bridges-Reed wrote, in part, "Mrs. Martin was the first teacher I can ever remember who put faith in me; I didn't even have faith in myself. She let me know I could do anything if I believed. As a dyslexic child, I never had that special someone.... Carrie Martin was the teacher whom I will never forget. She helped me to make sure I passed the math T.A.K.S. so I could go on to middle school. She helped me be the person I am today (besides my Mom). She is the one who inspired me to decide I wanted to be a teacher."

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