Thank You Books Opens in Birmingham, Ala.

Thank You Books has opened at 5502-B Crestwood Blvd. in Birmingham, Ala., reported, adding that co-owners Kristen Iskandrian, Laura Lilly Cotten and Elizabeth Goodrich are hoping to create a "lively hub" for the arts and literary culture in the city.

Asked whether this is a good time to open a bookstore, Iskandrian replied: "People who have the choice to drive still ride bicycles, right? I think the assumption that technology shifts will necessarily obliterate older, time-tested forms is sort of silly. People want choices, and people will always want books. And more than books--people will always crave person-to-person connection, and real-world experiences, which simply can't be replicated online."

To celebrate the new indie, Bham Now showcased "everything you need to know about Birmingham's latest bookstore," noting that the "Crestwood community has already responded positively to the new shop. On the store's opening day, there was a crowd outside waiting for the doors to open."

"We love this location," said co-owner Goodrich. "We just feel like Crestwood is close to so many exciting things that are happening in Birmingham–so many creative and interesting people who have made their homes here. It was just was a natural fit."

Iskandrian added: "I’m most looking forward to filling the store with good energy, people having fun, making connections and getting excited about books. We are a welcoming space for all people, for any reading level, for any level of interest in any kind of book. We will make it our mission to find a book for any kind of person."

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