'A Bookstore Is Not a Completed Thought'

"Just like a novelist might have a notebook of ideas, characters, or plots jotted down to aid a forgetful mind, I have a notebook of social media ideas and potential posts, pictures, quotes, overheard anecdotes, etc., so when the time is right, I have content to upload.

"It's been weird, then, to read back through pre-pandemic ideas, scattered notes, and potential posts. Like this one below. I stood in the middle of Washington Ave and snapped this photo, then jotted down these words, which I still think has truth. Yet it feels so strange reading this note, which I wrote sometime in the winter of 2020, just before the pandemic hit:

" 'A bookstore is not a completed thought, though many of the books inside of it are. A bookstore is constantly evolving, etched and scribbled and revised and rewritten by the people who support it. As we enter this new era, I wonder what plots will stay the same, which will change, and what the story arc of independent bookstores will become. Because, no matter what struggles are ahead, I still believe.' And I still wonder. And I still believe."

--Literati Bookstore, Ann Arbor, Mich., in a Facebook post
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