Indie Bookstores Mark Fourth of July

Flint Hills Books

Several independent bookstores shared their thoughts about this year's Fourth of July holiday weekend on social media, including:

Flint Hills Books, Council Grove, Kan.: " 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men* are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.' *ALL men + WOMEN. I'm pretty sure John and Abigail Adams would agree. The bookstore is closed for the holiday. Happy 4th of July!"

Loyalty Books, Washington, D.C. & Silver Spring, Md.: "Took a quick walk about the store to pick out some reading on America this 4th of July. As Isabel Wilkerson wrote in her book Caste 7/4/2022 is when America will have been a country without slavery as long as it was a country with it. That does not acknowledge that America still engages in many forms of slavery and oppression, namely our prisons. Here is hoping whether you are working, frolicking, reading, resisting or resting today that it brings all of us closer to actual freedom. For now we're reading books, eating hot dogs, and enjoying the sun. We'll see y'all Tuesday."

At Novel Bay Booksellers

Novel Bay Booksellers, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.: "Busy bookstore day!!! Thank you book lovers, particularly the youngsters who came in skipping, shouting 'I love the bookstore.' July 4, 2022. Enjoy the Independence Day holiday."

Books Are Magic, Brooklyn, N.Y.: "Update to our store hours today! We will be closing at 4pm to give our booksellers some well deserved time to rest. Today we're also thinking about what freedom and liberation mean in a country that denies freedom to so many. We've rounded up a few titles that highlight injustices in our society and that speak to what true liberation might look like. If you have the day off today, we invite you to sit in these questions with us!"

The Little Bookshop, Midlothian, Va.: "Some dive into pools on the 4th, some dive into books! Happy July 4th, everyone!"

Sea Howl Bookshop, Orleans, Mass.: "This is a particularly hard time for 'independence,' rights and justice in America. Here are a few books that provide some perspective, and some space to hold the contradictions inherent in this country from its founding. Space to hold anger along with the flag-waving and strawberry shortcake, deep despair along with the feeling of possibility and the desire not give up on those ideals that do still hold us together. Just a heads up we are CLOSED today (as it's usually a slow day for us) and we may be enjoying some strawberry shortcake."

Hickory Stick Bookshop, Washington, Conn.: "Red, White and Blue... Books! We have your holiday reading covered."

Neighborhood Books, Presque Isle, Maine

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