PNBA BuzzBook Winner: Where Rivers Change Direction

Where Rivers Change Direction by L. Bundrock (Blue Cactus Press) was selected by attendees as the winning title in the BuzzBooks contest at the 2022 Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Tradeshow, held September 18-20, in Tacoma, Wash.

Blue Cactus Press described Where Rivers Change Direction, published in July, this way: "Tana, a white woman, falls in love with Colette Little Crow. Her coming out as a late-blooming Gay woman is messy, painful, and full of fumbles. Tana's love with Collette ultimately cleaves her heart in two and she must decide whether to piece it back together in Montana, her home, or cross geographic and cultural divides to start over in Seattle."

Under voting procedures, punch cards were handed out to booksellers and librarians as they entered the show floor. They then visited exhibitors for publisher quick-pitches on eight participating titles across a variety of genres. Attendee booth stops were verified with a stamp from the attending reps and, once all stamps were tallied, participants voted for the book they were most excited to recommend to their customers and patrons.

Three of the voters won $100 cash prizes:

Christine Longmuir, Two Rivers Books, Portland, Ore.
Anne Brangwin, North Central Washington Libraries, Wenatchee, Wash.
Erin Chervenock, Village Books, Bellingham, Wash.

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