Image of the Day: Victoria Wilson's 50th Anniversary at Knopf

Longtime current and former colleagues of Victoria Wilson gathered in New York to celebrate the esteemed editor's 50th anniversary at Knopf. Wilson was hired in the fall of 1972 by Robert Gottlieb, who was then Knopf's head of house.

Wilson, who worked with Anne Rice on all of her novels, beginning with her runaway bestseller, Interview with the Vampire, in 1976, has edited a range of books, from celebrity biographies to literary fiction, to books on film, theater, photography and dance. Some of her authors during her half-century include Lorrie Moore, Christopher Plummer, Martina Navratilova, Amy Klobuchar, Wendy Wasserstein, Laurie Colwin and Diane Johnson.

Near the end of the evening, after plenty of shared stories about bygone days, Gottlieb, in a nod to Wilson's fierce support of her writers and the battles she waged on behalf of their books: "Vicky, you were always a handful, but it was worth it."

Guests included (from l.) Alice Quinn (who started working at Knopf in 1972), Martha Kaplan (1970), Vicky Wilson, Andy Hughes (1979), Jane Friedman (1968), Bob Gottlieb (1968), Kathy Zuckerman (1988) and Kathy Hourigan (1963). Photo by Nicholas Latimer (1983).

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