Shelf Awareness's Best Ads of 2022

Last year, we ran thousands of ads across all of our publications--so we know a thing or two about great book marketing!

Join us next Wednesday, February 15, at 12 p.m. Eastern, or Thursday, February 16, at 3 p.m. Eastern, for a virtual session celebrating the best ads in the Shelf for 2022.

We'll go over all the Shelf's offerings, highlight our highest-performing and most innovative Shelf Awareness ads from last year, and break down what's so special about them. Join us as we geek out on stats, ah-ha at clever creative, and praise badass publishing colleagues who will take home the top honors.

Registration is open to all publisher marketing and ad/promo folks, as well as independent booksellers. To register for the Wednesday session, click here. To register for the Thursday session, click here.

If you're unable to attend either session, contact Matt Baldacci to get all the marketing goodness you missed.

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