Cincinnati's Cincy Book Bus Depot Bounces Back After Flooding

"Hey Friends, here's a peek at how my Monday morning started," Melanie Moore, owner of the Cincy Book Bus Depot posted on Facebook last week. "There was a water main break on the street behind the building and the building got flooded. Moonflower definitely took the brunt of it and my heart goes out to Stephanie. We hope to get things cleaned up enough so we can still open on Wednesday. Your prayers and support would be much appreciated! There's no doubt that this setback will be a financial hit for both of us. Please remember to shop local and support the businesses that support your community. Ok, time to pull on my wellies and get cleaning!"

Last Tuesday, Moore expressed gratitude to the community "for all the love you poured out yesterday. Thanks for the encouragement! Yesterday was spent getting all the water out and we rented industrial dehumidifiers to suck out the moisture. There was minimal damage to the actual books so I consider myself lucky. Today we head back to clean the floors and get all that dirty soot out."

The Book Bus Depot reopened Wednesday. "It's been a tough two days but both The Depot and Moonflower are sparkly clean and ready for you," Moore noted. "A BIG THANK YOU to the folks who showed up, rolled up their sleeves and pitched in. We are so grateful for your help! Come grab a coffee and a book this week. We'd love to see you!" 

Over the weekend, Moore added: One good thing about flooding is that it forces you to do a thorough spring cleaning. It’s time we hand off the loads of ARCs that we’ve had hanging out in the back room. When you make a purchase, you can have a dig around the bins and take home a book of your own. We’ll keep this going until they're all gone!"

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