Image of the Day: 'Amos Paul Kennedy Jr.: Citizen Printer'

Artbook|D.A.P, Letterform Archive, and the SFMoMA Store hosted a breakfast to celebrate the opening of "Amos Paul Kennedy Jr.: Citizen Printer," coinciding with the San Francisco Art Book Fair. The exhibition is on view until January at Letterform Archive and the catalogue will be available in September.

Pictured (from l.) Jane Brown, v-p, sales director, Artbook|D.A.P.; Jasmine Valandani, children's team manager & buyer, Kepler's Books & Magazines; SFMOMA buyers Camille Verboort and Anne-Marie Conde; Amos Paul Kennedy Jr., author of Citizen Printer; Paul Yamazaki, City Lights buyer; Vanessa Martini, Green Apple Books buyer; Eric Green, owner, Mrs. Dalloway's; Laura Forst, Aesthetic Movement rep; and Lucie Parker, publisher, Letterform Archive. (photo: Ellen Towell)

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