'Unofficial' Bookseller Dog: Ralph at Bridgeside Books

Posted on Facebook by Bridgeside Books, Waterbury, Vt.: "Hi, I'm Ralph, and I approve this message. I'm the unofficial bookstore dog, but Mom says that even at 7 years old I have too much energy to hang out for the day. Mostly I just come for the dog treats (I've really been working on my sad puppy eyes). Sometimes she uses them to make me take photos, which is fine by me cuz I still get the TREAT! A lot of people ask me what I'm made of, so here's the rundown: border collie, lab, pittie, beagle, and a smattering if other random DNA.... I like to chase rabbits in the yard and fetch balls and snuggle on the couch. I hope to meet you soon. Will you have a treat in your pocket for me??"

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