Awards: Little Rebels for Radical Children's Fiction Shortlist

The Alliance of Radical Booksellers has released a shortlist for the £2,000 (about $2,580) Little Rebels Award for Radical Children's Fiction, which recognizes" the rich tradition of radical publishing for children in the U.K."

Currently restricted to fiction targeted at children up to age 12, the award is administered by Letterbox Library and Housmans Bookshop in London. The winner will be named at a ceremony in October. This year's shortlisted titles are:

A Hero Like Me by Angela Joy, Jen Reid, and Leire Salaberria 
Grandad's Pride by Harry Woodgate 
Is That Your Mama? by Patrice Lawrence and Diane Ewen 
Man-Man and the Tree of Memories by Yaba Badoe and Joelle Avelino 
The Lizzie and Belle Mysteries: Portraits and Poison by J.T. Williams, illustrated by Simone Douglas 
The Piano at the Station by Helen Rutter, illustrated by Elisa Paganelli 
We Are Here by Kate Rafiq 
You're So Amazing! by James and Lucy Catchpole, illustrated by Karen George 

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