Within the next few months, Fountain Bookstore, Richmond, Va., is moving into larger space across the street from its current location, which it will keep and use in a different way, likely for events and classes, according to a Facebook post for customers.
"We're doing this to better serve you with more space for books and bodies and to give our staff comfortable places to work and take breaks!" Fountain said. "Your support has finally made it possible 💛"
The store has added a new membership program, in addition to its in-store loyalty accounts: "Your memberships will help us increase bookseller wages and health care benefits and help us grow into our new location!" Six membership levels range from a free option up to $100 a month for "Fountain Freak," which includes free merchandise, a 20% discount on all store purchases, a two-hour private after-hours event at the store once a year, and more.