New Owner for Second Star to the Right, Denver, Colo.

Dea Lavoie has sold Second Star to the Right, Denver, Colo., to Joe Durst, a Colorado native with years of bookselling experience.

Durst will take over officially on April 1, and he has decided to keep both the building and name. Lavoie noted that while there certainly will be some changes, many things will stay the same, and the store "can continue to bring all the joy and laughter, stories, events, book fairs, storytimes, as well as the inclusiveness, whimsy, and magic to the community."

Durst's entry to bookselling came in college, when he worked part-time at Powell's in Portland, Ore. While living in London for a time he worked at Daunt Books, and a little over five years ago he co-founded Sudden Fiction Books in Castle Rock, Colo.

In a message to customers, Durst invited "anyone who loves Second Star to stop by and have a conversation about what you want to see going forward. I'll be around the shop with growing frequency during this transition and will be available to get coffee and chat books, employment, and ideas."

Lavoie worked as an elementary school teacher prior to starting Second Star to the Right. While the store emphasizes children's books and young adult literature, it also offers titles for all ages. Lavoie announced that the store was for sale in December.

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