Stephanie Cooper has been promoted to associate publisher and marketing director, Dutton.
At Basic Books:
Angela Messina has been promoted to publicity director. Messina joined Basic Books in 2021 as assistant director of publicity and was promoted to associate director in 2023.
Meghan Roberts has been promoted to senior publicist. Roberts joined Basic Books in 2023.
At Little, Brown:
Kini Allen is promoted to assistant director, digital advertising. Allen joined the company in 2021.
Lauren Ortiz has been promoted senior publicity manager for the Spark & Voracious imprints. Ortiz has worked on the Spark/Voracious imprints for more than four years.
Gabrielle Leporati has been promoted to senior publicist. Leporati joined the company as a publicity assistant in 2020.
Marieska Luzada has been promoted to associate publicist. Luzada joined the publicity team as an intern in 2023.
Julia DeVarti is promoted to assistant editor and assistant manager, backlist marketing. Devarti joined the company a year ago as publishing coordinator for backlist programs.