The Folded Leaf Coming to Cedar, Mich.

The Folded Leaf will open in Cedar, Mich., this spring, 9and10 News reported. Owner Rachel Zemanek has signed a lease for a 1,100-square-foot-space at 9044 S. Kasson St. in downtown Cedar. The bookstore will carry new and used titles along with local art and a selection of native plants.

Zemanek, a former paramedic, intends to donate a portion of the store's proceeds to the Northwest Michigan Peer Network and other nonprofits supporting mental health, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and LGBTQA+ initiatives.

The store's first event, a book-themed bingo night at a local brewery, is scheduled for March 20. The Folded Leaf will be accepting used book donations, and the event will include a fundraiser for the local Big Brothers Big Sisters organization.

Renovation work is underway, and Zemanek plans for a mid-spring opening. To help the bookstore along, she has also launched a GoFundMe campaign.

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