Love in the age of social distancing was in the air Saturday for the second annual Bookstore Romance Day, a nationwide celebration of the romance genre by independent bookshops, with more than 175 stores participating. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, indies rallied with virtual events and an enthusiastic social media presence. Here are some highlights:
Free tote with purchase at Third Place Books. |
Third Street Books, McMinnville, Ore. (home base of Bookstore Romance Day organizer Billie Bloebaum): "Bookstore Romance Day is this Saturday! Due to Covid it is going to look a little different this year. Go check out @bkstoreromanceday for all the virtual panels and author discussions that are planned. Billie has done an amazing amount of work to adapt her brain child to a more virtual format. We're so excited to celebrate this day!"
Harvard Bookstore, Cambridge, Mass.: "So why is there a Bookstore Romance Day, one might ask. And the truth is that romance has a rocky history at indies. Still does some places. We didn't have a romance section for the vast majority of our 88 year history. It just wasn't *serious* enough for us...." [Check out the complete Twitter thread.]
At Queen Anne Book Company |
Queen Anne Book Company, Seattle, Wash.: "Love what you read! Read what you love! Join our staff in celebrating Bookstore Romance Day."
Women & Children First Bookstore, Chicago, Ill.: "We love the complexity and array of voices celebrated by romance and we're excited to finally have a dedicated section! We spy some favorites on the staff picks shelf and on the romance recommendation list on our website! Swipe for a quick run down of Jamie's favorites (we've all been buying from her recommendations for years!) and a peek at the section! Let us know your favorite titles, too."
At Quail Ridge Books |
Quail Ridge Books, Raleigh, N.C.: "Happy Bookstore Romance Day! We'll be bringing you recommendations and virtual events all day today because #IndiesLoveRomance! Assistant general manager Amber says, 'Nora Roberts was my gateway romance, and even 15 years later, Montana Sky and the Key Trilogy are some of my absolute favorites! If you love a good murder mystery, or if fighting magical evil with books and art is more your style, Nora Roberts doesn't disappoint....' "
At Changing Hands Bookstore |
Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe & Phoenix, Ariz.: "Things are heating up at Changing Hands, and we're not talking about the weather. August is Read-a-Romance Month, and today is Bookstore Romance Day. Here are our buyer Michelle's top romance picks from some of the new masters of the genre, who prove there's a love story for everyone. Come find yours."
Anderson's Bookshop, Naperville, Ill.: "Happy Bookstore Romance Day! One of our favorite local authors, Sonali Dev, shared some of her favorite romance titles with us. These books, and all of Sonali's own, are all 20% off today at both stores, plus we have special totes to give away, too! Enjoy!"
Bards Alley Bookshop, Vienna, Va.: "Don't worry--no marriages were harmed in the making of this #BookstoreRomanceDay #bookstoreproposal video."
Foggy Pine Books, Boone, N.C.: "We love our romance readers almost as much as we love reading romance, which is why we're so excited to celebrate this day with you! If you buy a romance book from us today, we'll give you a FREE Romance Day bag.... So, check out what we have & find the perfect happy ending to brighten your shelves!"
The Briar Patch, Bangor, Maine: "The video you didn't know you were waiting for. Our 2nd annual music video to celebrate Bookstore Romance Day!"
Liberty Bay Books, Poulsbo, Wash.: "Need romance title suggestions? Well, when Doug and Walker learned they'd be working on Bookstore Romance Day, they did a ton of reading (not really.) But we left them all sorts of suggestions so come on down and grab some fun summer reads!"
At Copperfish Books |
Copperfish Books, Punta Gorda, Fla.: "Thank you to everyone who celebrated #bookstoreromanceday with us both in person and online today! We had a fantastic day, and we hope all of you did too!"
Loves Sweet Arrow, Tinley Park, Ill.: "We had a great day hosting 2 virtual events and welcoming customers into the store! Thank you to everyone who helped make Bookstore Romance Day so successful! Especially Billie Bloebaum, you rock!"