photo: Herbert Kuper |
Jaap de Roode grew up in the Netherlands, where he studied biology at Wageningen University. He's now a biology professor at Emory University, where he researches monarch butterflies and their infectious diseases. His discovery that monarchs can use toxic plants as medicine led him to write Doctors by Nature: How Ants, Apes & Other Animals Heal Themselves (Princeton University Press, March 4, 2025), which takes readers into a realm often thought to be the exclusive domain of humans, exploring how scientists are turning to the medical knowledge of the animal kingdom.
Handsell readers your book in 25 words or less:
Animals use all sorts of medicines to keep themselves healthy. By studying bees, bears, and butterflies, we may save agriculture and discover new drugs.
On your nightstand now:
Too many books really! I just finished The Safekeep by Yael van der Wouden, which I thought was an amazing perspective on postwar Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands. Now I am on The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley, a popular science book that explains the evolution of human nature (I am rereading it and loving it as much as I did over 20 years ago). My pile also includes Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver (I started it, but haven't finished yet), The Civil War by Bruce Catton (slowly making progress), and Eight Bears by Gloria Dickie (can't wait to get going on that).
Favorite book when you were a child:
I guess it has to be De Kameleon (The Chameleon) by Hotze de Roos. This book series deals with a pair of twin boys who live in the northeastern part of the Netherlands, where they have many adventures with a boat they manage to paint in such a way that it keeps changing colors (hence the name). I dreamed of being on that boat and experiencing sunny days in the typical Dutch landscape of lakes, pastures, and red roof-tiled villages.
Your top five authors:
It is hard to pick favorites, but I really like the books by J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling. Frans de Waal's books on the similarities between animals and humans have been hugely influential to me. I also love Harry Mulisch's books, which told me much about how the Second World War has shaped life in the Netherlands. I should also include Tara Westover for her memoir Educated.
Book you've faked reading:
To be honest: anything by Shakespeare. It is not so much that I faked reading it, but that I simply gave up, and opted for Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb instead. I was made to read Shakespeare in high school in the Netherlands when I was 14 or 15 years old and hardly spoke any English yet. That was a sure way to put off a Dutch reader from enjoying some of the most important literature in world history!
Book you're an evangelist for:
Watership Down by Richard Adams. I love how Adams turned his made-up stories about rabbits to keep his children occupied during long car rides into a saga of human strength, conflict, and morality. I read it for my English class and would not stop talking about it during my final oral exam. I was so obsessed with this book that my dad took me to the actual Watership Down (yes, the hill exists) in England to celebrate my high school graduation!
Book you've bought for the cover:
You May Now Kill the Bride by Kate Weston. I like getting page-turning thrillers for long flights, and this one's sleek design stood out in the bookshop at the airport.
Book you hid from your parents:
I am not sure I ever hid a book from my parents. They were quite happy with my reading tons of books. Then again, I did not read any controversial or erotic books at the time.
Book that changed your life:
My parents gave me a Dutch book by David Suzuki that accompanied his TV series The Secrets of Life. I was truly mesmerized by the way in which he described how DNA worked, and the immense amounts of genetic information that each of our cells contains. His analogy was to show massive filing cabinets filled with papers that only had A's, C's, T's, and G's on them. And then he explained how you went from those letters to actual life! I think that book ultimately turned me into a biologist. I actually met him several years ago when he gave a seminar at Emory University, and it was like meeting a rock star.
Favorite line from a book:
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit" --from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I cannot remember many specific lines from books, but I feel this sentence nicely captures the character of hobbits. And it is just a great opening sentence.
Five books you'll never part with:
Watership Down by Richard Adams; An Outdoor Journal by Jimmy Carter (signed by the author!); all 16 volumes of my grandfather's antique Winkler Prins Encyclopedia.
Book you most want to read again for the first time:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I think it is the best in the series, and I remember my excitement to try to figure out if Harry was a horcrux. I would love to relive that quest.